Plant-Based Startup’s Hyper-Realistic 3D-Printed Steaks Set For Mass Market

Customers were able to taste the food tech startup’s products at a business event in Barcelona this week

The company says its meat alternative is ‘better for the planet, ourselves and animals’ Credit: Novameat

ASpanish start-up creating 3D-printed plant-based steaks is eyeing an expansion onto the mass market.

It follows a successful launch last year, and the company has plans to produce 500kg of the vegan meat products per hour.

3D-printed steaks

Since developing the cutting-edge biotechnology in 2018, the company revealed scaling production goals. It hopes to soon offer products to restaurants across Spain.

The 3D tech is used to test ingredients such as peas, seaweed, and beetroot juice through capsules. It’s also used to test recipes.

Now, Novameat has set its sights on reaching the mass market.

The company gave customers a taste at a demonstration at a business event in Barcelona, the Mobile World Congress this week.

Upon tasting one of the steaks, one customer said they were ‘positively surprised’ at how similar the texture was to the real thing, Reuters reported.


Business Development Manager Alexandre Campos told the news outlet the company wanted to create a meat alternative ‘that is better for the planet, ourselves and animals’.

Campos added that the brand is planning on selling the 3D-printed steaks directly to consumers and businesses.

And, it can begin to produce more products on a larger scale with bigger machines. Moreover, the company has expanded into creating plant-based pork too.

Whilst Novameat says it’s ‘getting closer’ to industrial-scale production, it has not revealed exact details surrounding availability. 

Original Article by: Emily Baker, Plant Based News
